Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#108 Virtual Intensive Course Small Scale LNG

  • Location Groningen
  • Industry Energy
  • Online since 2020-10-18

Gain a strong understanding of the global LNG landscape and understand the small scale gas value chain

Virtual Intensive Course Small Scale LNG

Dates: 25-27 November 2020


  • The global LNG landscape & LNG value chain
  • The rapid growth of ssLNG in Asia Pasific region
  • How does small scale fit within the LNG value chain?
  • Setting up a business model for a SSLNG fuel station
  • LNG as bunkering fuel and isolated consumers
  • LNG as a fuel in transport

Including plenary session: What can gas TSOs do to take advantage of demand and supply trends of LNG in the transport sector? This course will be given by top LNG experts like Peter Hendrickx and Thierry Bros.

We would be happy to offer you a special price for participation. For more information, please follow the link -

Go to website

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Get in touch

Do you need some help with extending your network in both The Netherlands or Israel. Connect with us and talk about the possibilities.

  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
