Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#187 Partner search for Israeli hydrogen valley - EU call

  • Industry Energy
  • Online since 2023-02-27

An initiative to set up the first Hydrogen Valley (H2V) in Israel is searching for Dutch partners to join its consortium that will apply for EU funding (deadline 18 April 2023).

Partner search for Israeli hydrogen valley - EU call

H2 EAST GATE will deploy the first fully functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem in the Israeli south Negev Desert. Established in a region with exceptionally abundant solar energy, bordering Jordan, Egypt, the Ramon airport and the Port of Eilat on the Red Sea, H2 EAST GATE will become the only EU associated H2 valley that can operate as a transit hub between East and West.

The unique characteristics of the region being remote, with exceptional solar resources, a critical transport route between north and south and between Israel, Jordan and Egypt, and with a high visitor throughput will allow for strong impact, visibility and utility.

To maximize these aspects. H2 EAST GATE will develop and establish four main infrastructure facilities – a 1 km pipeline, an H2 refuelling station, H2 storage up to 1000 kg, and H2 based power generation facilities. H2 EAST GATE will implement and develop the ground-breaking E-TAC technology for producing green hydrogen. This novel electrolyzer has successfully been demonstrated at over 95% efficiency, placing green hydrogen at cost parity with grey hydrogen.

In subsequent stages, H2 EAST GATE will develop a roadmap towards 2050 compiling a long-term vision for the development of a widespread H2 economy in Southern Israel and extending it into Jordan and the surrounding region.

The use cases to be developed and demonstrated in the project include: 3 steam boilers for fertilization at a total capacity of 21 tonnes servicing a large scale dairy, H2 compressor and loading station for distributed energy, H2 Refueling stations for transport dedicated to busses and freight trucks, EV charging stations based on H2 energy storage.

We are looking for partners from the Netherlands to provide expertise in any of the above aspects, with particular interest in expertise related to retrofitting heavy vehicles from diesel to H2 based functionality, novelty in H2 compression, and H2 consuming industry that could potentially establish a new or novel factory in the project’s designated new green industrial area.

More information on the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking that will be addressed can be found at:;callCode=HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2023-1

Contact person: Eran Gerber,

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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
