Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#86 open call of Dutch Ministry of Health for Invitation for smart digital solutions for corona

  • Location The Hague
  • Industry Life sciences and health
  • Online since 2020-04-12

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (hereinafter: MoH) is sending out this invitation in order to acquire definitive information with regard to possible smart digital solutions for source and contact tracing and for self-monitoring and remote assistance. Furthermore, MoH wants to develop an overview of other possible solutions that the market can offer for the purposes of managing the corona crisis and which can contribute to the transition out of the intelligent lockdown.

  • Smart digital solutions, such as apps, that can contribute to source and contact tracing, which are subject to strict requirements with regard to e.g. rapid availability, privacy and data security
  • Smart digital solutions, such as apps, that can contribute to self-monitoring and remote assistance, which are subject to strict requirements with regard to e.g. rapid availability, privacy and data security
  • Miscellaneous digital solutions, such as apps, that can contribute to the transition strategy
  • Preliminary conditions under which digital solutions can be deployed (with regard to technology, substance, operation, implementation, privacy and data security) 


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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
