Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#88 NL company launches AI-Based search engine to find solutions to COVID-19: IGOR^AI & IGOR^COV-19

  • Industry Life sciences and health
  • Online since 2020-04-16

Dutch company Findest has developed an AI-based search engine, called IGOR^AI, that goes through millions of scientific publications, patents & industry to find technologies. They have just launched a free version called IGOR^Cov-19 that is tailored to find scientific solutions for covid-19 from millions of virology related scientific articles.

NL company launches AI-Based search engine to find solutions to COVID-19: IGOR^AI & IGOR^COV-19

To access the IGOR^Cov-19 search engine click sign up using the code 'covid-19'.

Furthermore their tech scouts have performed a public scouting project which focussed on creating an overview of viral diagnostic tests on coronaviruses. For a more detailed description about the public case please visit the LinkedIn article and access the results to the public case through the following link.

For more information on IGOR^Cov-19 or other non-covid related collaborations please contact Rik de Wilde through


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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
