Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#115 EuroTechPostdoc2 programme open for PostDocs from TU Eindhoven and Technion

  • Location Eindhoven
  • Industry Agri and food
  • Online since 2020-12-16

Within the EuroTechPostdoc2 programme, the universities of the EuroTech Universities Alliance (of which TU Eindhoven and the Technion are part) offer seventy Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships to experienced high-potential researchers.

EuroTechPostdoc2 programme open for PostDocs from TU Eindhoven and Technion

Besides giving the fellows the freedom to establish their own research lines, the programme provides exceptional training opportunities to prepare the fellows for the future as the new generation of scientific leaders, within and outside of academia.

The next call, awarding the first 35 fellowships for a 24-month period, will open on November 30, 2020 with a deadline on February 25, 2021.

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    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
