Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#118 Dutch startup Neurocast is looking for R&D cooperation in Israel

  • Industry Life sciences and health
  • Online since 2021-01-19

The Dutch startup Neurocast, is a frontrunner in healthcare innovation, develops technology to to unobtrusively and remotely monitor patients to enable better health care. Neurocast is interested in developing R&D cooperation with Israeli Health Medical organisations.

Dutch startup Neurocast is looking for R&D cooperation in Israel

Neurocast's focus is on chronic diseases since these are the leading causes of death & disability. Just as in The Netherlands, chronic diseases are responsible for over 60% of deaths in Israel, and 7 out of 10 leading causes of death were chronic diseases. But to do anything about this problem at all, it is, of course, necessary that you can measure these people in the first place.

To determine one's overall health status, the World Health Organization recommends assessing the mental, physical & social condition well. However, despite the fact that that this is so important, the existing monitoring tools are flawed. The traditional methods are costly, labor intensive, location dependent, provide biased data and are incapable of capturing "real" Real World data.

Neurocast has developed a new way of monitoring. They made it their mission to turn everyday digital interactions, such as smartphone use, into clinically approved outcomes, enabling doctors & researchers to passively measure individual patients performance in daily life.

With their actionable insights, they help better understand the course and cause of chronic diseases such as MS, Alzheimer’s or major depressive disorders. They believe this can be done completely unobtrusive, with privacy embedded by design and available for everyone to join.

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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
