Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#5 NL-IL Mini-Symposium on Hydrogen and Renewable Energy 2 Feb 2021 (01 Feb 17:00 - 01 Feb 17:00)

Hydrogen is a key enabling technology for the energy integration challenge as it provides valuable solutions for several independent appliances, from in-land and offshore large transportation to heating as well as for energy storage. Hydrogen also has a key role to play in decarbonisation. Cooperation is an essential element to boost the hydrogen economy worldwide. Both the Netherlands and Israel have unique selling points in where they can contribute to decarbonisation and in where both countries can benefit from the given opportunities and from each other’s expertise. This mini symposium aims at presenting the outstanding impact already delivered by individual hydrogen projects and discuss how the technology can now enable cooperation between Israel and the Netherlands under the new Green Deal proposal/plan and post-COVID Recovery Plan.


IL time (10:00 NL time)

11:00-11:05       Welcome notes

  • HE Hans Docter, Netherlands Ambassador to Israel
  • Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, Innovation Attaché, Netherlands Embassy in Israel and Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC)
  • Jochem Durenkamp, Energy Analyst, New Energy Coalition

11:05-11:20       How to create a hydrogen valley? Hydrogen Energy Applications in Valley Environments for Northern Netherlands (HEAVENN), Dr.-Ing. Patrick Cnubben, Program Manager Hydrogen, New Energy Coalition Groningen

11:20-11:35       Recent Advances in Fuel Cells Research by the Israeli Fuel Cells consortium (IFCC), Prof. Lior Elbaz, Bar Ilan University

11:40-11:55       BrigH2 initiative at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, an alternative route to renewable hydrogen using torrefied biomass, Marc van Doorn, Business Development – Sustainable Processes, Brightlands Chemelot Campus

11:55-12:10       Alkaline Fuel Cells Regulate Voltage and Contribute Grid Stability to the Energy Cloud, Gil Shavit, VP Business Development, GenCell Ltd.

12:15-12:30       New Electrochemical Hydrogen Fuels, The New Way Out from The Old CO2 Crisis, Dr. Marnix ten Kortenaar, CEO Dr. Ten

12:30-12:45       Increasing the usability of renewable energy to 24/7, Sonya Davidson, Founder and CEO H2 Energy Now

12:45-13:00       Hydrogen Act for Europe, Frank Wouters, Global Lead Green Hydrogen at Worley, Director of the EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network, director of Gorestreet Capital, London

Get in touch

  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel, Economic Department

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607
