Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#17 Dutch Israeli Mini-Symposium on AI and Dementia (21 Dec 17:00 - 21 Dec 17:00)

Israeli and Dutch companies are jointly developing new products and services for people living with dementia and their family carers. To be successful these products need to be attuned to the needs of people with dementia and carers and developed in co-creation. Together with involved stakeholders these new products need to reach the world market of 50 million patients worldwide which is expected to grow because of the greying of the world population. There is an urgent and growing need for effective products. 



11:00-11:05       Welcome note 

Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, Innovation Attaché, Netherlands Embassy in Israel and Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC)

Mr. Hans Arnold, Founder JAIN, the Netherlands

11:05-11:10 Urgency to deliver products for people with dementia and call for worldwide cooperation

Mr. Marco Blom, Alzheimer Nederland, The Netherlands 

11:10-11:25 MRI of the aging brain

Prof. Yaniv Assaf, Department of Neurobiology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and Sagol school of neuroscience, Tel Aviv University

11:30-11:45  Artificial Intelligence and the Challenges of Living with Dementia: An interdisciplinary, multi-lab approach to design warm smart care solutions Prof. dr. Wijnand Ijsselsteijn, Eindhoven AI Systems Institute (EAISI),

Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands

11:50-12:05 DELPHI (Direct Non-invasive Brain Network Electrophysiology) for the Evaluation of Brain Health

Prof. David Tanne, Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute, Rambam Health Medical Center, Haifa, Israel

12:05-12:20  Solution “market failure- and togetherness Israel and the Netherlands”

Dr. Henk Herman Nap, Expert eHealth, Vilans, the Netherlands

12:20-12:35 Using AI to re-think our approach to Alzheimer's disease

Prof. Shahar Arzy, Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Cognitive Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

12:35-12:50 Challenges to overcome in delivering new products

Mr. Fokko van der Woude, CEO, Tolooba BV, the Netherlands

12:50-13:00 Discussion

Get in touch

  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel, Economic Department

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607
